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From My Desk

Survive or Thrive in 2025

Happy New Year -- 2025!

Today, we begin a new journey --- through the challenges and opportunities of a new year. Many are rejoicing that we no longer live in 2024. If you recall, I challenged us all to have "NO MORE IN '24" .

If you go back and read my blog last year, I challenged us to have NO MORE DEFEAT, NO MORE POWERLESS LIVING, & NO MORE RELIGIOUS PRAYERS.

As an aside -- we also will have No More Biden Administration -- for better or worse. It's a new day for our country. We pray for God's favor and help all the way!

Now -- it's 2025. We again have a choice -- we can choose to SURVIVE or we can choose to THRIVE. Notice I am saying clearly -- it is our choice! We can choose to just get by, or we can stretch our faith, and through God's help THRIVE. We are at a crossroads -- which way will you choose?? Personally, I choose to THRIVE!

T - TRUTH -- I choose to believe the TRUTH -- which is God's Word -- ALL of it! Jesus said that "I AM the TRUTH" - Let's go back to God's Word and the life of Jesus and determine from day one -- that we will consciously live and Thrive in the Truth.

H - HOPE - We know that there are three things that abide in this life -- "faith, HOPE, and love" -- in a world that is controlled for the most part by fear - I choose to Thrive in HOPE this year.

R - RENEWAL - Again, we have a choice --- the Scriptures tell us to RENEW our minds through the Word often -- I choose to do it daily! As you do, you will Thrive in faith and power over every obstacle that may come this. year.

I - INSPIRATION - I choose to not only be inspired, but to purpose to be an inspiration to others -- to let my personal inspiration (Jesus Christ) -- shine through me to everyone I meet this year.

V - VIBRANCE - I choose to really BE ALIVE this year. My attitude will directly change talk, and my talk will move my action. Choose to allow the vibrance of the Holy Spirit flow through you -- it's contagious!

E - ENDURANCE - yes, it will require some endurance -- to Thrive in '25 . We will go through some things, and it may not be easy -- but choose to NOT quit -- don't give in -- Endure to the end, and you'll be an overcomer.

Which way will you go this year? Down the highway of Survival -- or down the path of Thriving!

As for me and my house -- we choose to THRIVE IN '25


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