Welcome to Spring 2022
Today, March 20, is the first official day of Spring here in the US
This is that long awaited time --- after such a long winter --- people are ready for Spring --- Basketball is ready for “March Madness” leading to the crowning of a College Basketball champion ---- NASCAR racing is ready for their season --- Baseball teams are already into the Spring training --- in warm climate areas. The church is looking forward to EASTER –a celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord.
What does it really mean for us this year?
- The weather is changing
- The people are changing
- They used to say only two things are constant – death and taxes – we can add a third – CHANGE – like it or not it is happening right now
= Look at our world right now --- there is war – there is death – and there are refugees fleeing for their lives – all the while sickness and disease hovers the earth
- The Bible says, the “whole earth groans for redemption”
Like it or not – change is happening in your world --- what do you do?
- It’s not so much the changes – but HOW do you handle them? How do you adapt, even if you hate to adopt them? Some changes you accept – some you reject with grace,
- Spring time and change go hand in hand – get ready – anchor your spirit man – settle your soul man (mind will and emotion) in the Word of God which will never change – and In Jesus Christ – the SAME yesterday, today, and forever
- As you change – look at this way – God is moving you forward into a new day and HE is the God of promotion
- See this time as a time when the Holy Spirit if nudging you upward and onward and forward – the winter of the past is over – look forward to what God has for you
- Just as the crop of new blossoms and new leafs, and new fruit – is better than last time – that’s promotion --- it is not the same – fact is NOTHING will ever be the same
- How that positive, faith-filled attitude – and a thankful heart – God is promoting you
- The Bible says – HE is changing us “from glory to glory”!
- God is the author of the new day – the change – and the promotion in your life
- Yes, we have seen brokenness – the world is still wallowing in brokenness because of sin and the death that comes from it
- Isn’t it time for some restoring? Restoring of health? Restoring of relationships? Restoring of finances?
- What the DEVIL meant for evil ---as Joseph said—God meant for good!
- If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior – you must begin there – get in right relationship with HIM first – and HE has already taken the first step toward you
- Spring is the time of new beginnings – isn’t it time for you to have one?
- Spring is the time to “smell the freshness” in the air – to watch the blossoms and new sprouts –
- Spring is the time for the inspiration of sunrises and sunsets – time for those spring showers and playing in the rain – remember that when you were younger?
- God wants you to be inspired – to think new thoughts – have a new attitude toward life – to overcome the gloom and doom –
- Breathe in HIS breath – you know we do have God’s breath in us –realize that – honor that – be inspired to start again – dream again – get ready to move forward – It’s springtime!
- Just as the trees are sprouting with new life – and grass is waking up to new life – the flowers are blooming with new life --- why not you and your family?
- In Christ Jesus we have NEW LIFE – a fresh start – “old things are passed away – behold ALL things are NEW”
- Put aside the past mistakes – learn from them – and get “unstuck” – it’s a NEW day, a NEW life – Today is the day of the Lord! Today is the day of salvation – which means that all things are “saved” in him – and sin is covered by the blood of Jesus
- You’ve been released from the prison – you’ve been pardoned – and your record has been cleared – now walk out of that jail – walk out of that grave – walk out of that depression --- into HIS glorious LIGHT
- All things spring – start and end with GOD – the creator – HE made the cycles of weather – the cycles of life – the seasons of change – the periods of promotion- the power of restoration - the inspiration from heaven – the joy of a new life – it’s all GOD
- And this God is a good God --- HE is not hateful – HE is not against you – HE is for you – HE wants the best for you – HE wants you to be filled with purpose and joy, even in the midst of struggle – GOD IS GOOD!
- HE wants you to know HIM intimately – As the old Easter song says, “And HE walks with me and HE talks to me, and HE tells me I am His own!”
- In the Garden of Eden this Good God walked in the cool of the evening and communicated with Adam and Eve – His creation made in His image and HE breathed life into them –
Sin brought separation – Sin brought destruction and pain – Calvary – the Cross paid the price to totally restore us back to this Good God – now it’s up to you and me to accept that and come into relationship with HIM – Will you?