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From My Desk

An Alarming Trend!

I attended a special Zoom class yesterday, and heard an alarming statistic --- which indicates a serious trend! In our Assemblies of God fellowship, last year, we had 80% of our churches listed as plateaued or declining. The previous year that number was 72%. Of course you'll automatically say, it was because of the COVID pandemic. Perhaps -- however -- that 72% number has been holding for sometime.

I also heard the fact that just in the Assemblies of God, for the decade of 2010-2020, we had 18.9% of our churches CLOSED! We have heard for years that some 3,000 + churches nationwide (from all denominations) will close each year. God help us to turn this around, now!


May I suggest that each church have a REBOOT! I saw the other day the comment that "Normal isn't coming back!" Just like we attend to a stalled computer, by "rebooting" or restarting.... then our churches MUST do this and do it NOW! No, I'm not talking about closing the church, and re-opening ---- I'm talking about a NEW vision -- a NEW focus -- a return to how the first church was started -- simple and powerful. (see the book of Acts).

Darla and I have been involved in church ministry for over 45 years. We have conducted renewal and revival services, which have helped congregations get that "jump-start". We have coached Pastors in areas of realigning their priorities and refocusing their vision. One of the most vital ministries we have been associated with is the Acts 2 Journey. We facilitate a year-long journey of the pastors and their leaders as they re-examine their vision and focus -- re-establish methods and strategies that can help them go forward, instead of declining.

We would love to partner with you and your congregation to make this Journey a reality in the coming days!

Feel stuck ?--- are you declining? -- people gone and not planning to return? Have you lost leaders? Are you struggling to stay motivated yourself?

We are here for you!

Go to our website right now and fill in the "book Don" form -- or the complimentary consultation form -- just do it -- and do it now.

God doesn't want you to be in the 80% declining -- nor does He want your church to become a statistic of 'CLOSED'.


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